I recently purchased this spray on Amazon based on reviews I read and also a friend’s personal experience using this. I have also been reading more and more about B-12 and what form to take it in, this fit the bill. I wanted the form called Methlcobalamin and not Cyanocobalamin.
And I knew I wanted it in spray or liquid form. I have to say, that I really do notice a difference in my energy level and my anxiety level as well. I take one spray in the morning around 9 or 10am and I notice the effect within 20 minutes.
I am yawning way less and I feel more alert during the day. I think I am even sleeping a little better as well. I have dealt with spurts of anxiety and wanted something natural to try that might help. I read a few articles on B12 and folinic (not folic) acid to help reduce anxiety symptoms and symptoms relating to fibromyalgia and other similar disorders. I figured it’s worth a shot and so far, I am really glad I am trying it. It’s fairly cheap and there are no side effects and you can’t take too much! And I feel it’s helped me, which is the best part.
(See link) www.naturalnews.com/032766_cyanocobalamin_vitamin_b-12.html