Unrefined Ivory Shea Butter by Better Shea Butter- 1lb

There is a reason you will find 2,511 – 5 star reviews on this product on Amazon- it’s simply the best! And the price is awesome. I use this for making my homemade deodorant, homemade lotion, and soaps. It’s the extra special ingredient you will find in these DIY products that make them silky and smooth and creamy. I use recipes from www.wellnessmama.com they are by far my most favorite on the web! I know there are about a million other uses for this shea butter and someday I will make them all! But for now, I highly recommend it for the products mentioned above. I have made many products and I bought this bag over a year ago and still have about a quarter of it left. You don’t need a lot to go a long ways.


Here’s a link to check it out:


What do you think?