Tony Little Destress Micropedic Pillow Review

Tony Little makes a pillow?? And he sells it on HSN?? I know, it’s a very strange world we live in. However, it’s all true AND it’s an awesome pillow! In fact, I don’t foresee myself ever using any other pillow. Strong words, right? I’m not a salesman because most of the time I don’t feel strongly enough about products to back them. But I feel like I might be able to sell this pillow, ha! Pillows are a very personal investment though. So let me tell you a few things about why I adore this one.

The pillow is soft and light weight yet firm and flexible. It’s made with microbeads, very small microbeads. Unfortunately I know how very small because my first Tony Little pillow ripped apart in my washing machine….oh boy that was not fun. And there are millions of them. That never go away. But I’ll talk about washing this pillow in a bit. It has 4 chambers filled with the little microbeads that mold to your shape. And it doesn’t matter what side I lay on, on my back or tummy, it conforms to each side without having to throw the pillow all around or try to figure it out when you’re half asleep. I have neck/shoulder injuries from car accidents and so a good pillow is so important to help me sleep. This pillow is fabulous and gives me the right support while staying comfortable and not too squishy. This pillow comes in different sizes. I have the Queen and the King sizes and for a while I was using the King with a Queen pillowcase and that was just AWFUL. I need to get a King pillowcase. Once I took the small case off that was making the King pillow ram all together then the pillow felt so much better. I usually prefer my Queen size pillow, though.

Which is currently being air-dried after I washed it. So I googled, “How to wash a Tony Little pillow” and came up with pretty much nothing. Some said, you can’t. Others said, handwash only. The website didn’t provide much assistance either. My first disaster washing the pillow was about a year ago. I put it in the washer without the CASE on it. Big mistake right away. Put the case ON!!! Just in case the pillow busts open and decimates your washer with millions of tiny beads which will never come out. NEVER. I sold that washer. Anyway! I tried again with my new pillow tonight. RISKY you say? Uh, yes. Dumb perhaps? Maybe. But I put the case on. And I have back up pillows. Also, I was feeling lazy. But let’s back up to the destroyed first pillow: I called the company and told them what happened because I was devastated to say the least that my amazing pillow was gone, and guess what they did?? They shipped me 2 NEW pillows for free!!! So, great company to boot. So, now I’m washing one of my new free pillows. In my new washer. My new washer has a BOTTOM agitator instead of the center one like most have. It also has a hand wash setting. And I stood there and watched it for the first 15 minutes to make sure it would be ok. And….it was!!!! So I took the case off and washed it again separately and hung my pillow up to dry. Now the true test when it’s dry is to be sure it still FEELS the same when I sleep on it. It felt normal when I took it out of the dryer. High hopes!

All in all, this is an amazing pillow and I can’t recommend it enough. I know…it’s pricey. But so is the chiropractor and so is missing work from headaches and neck pain. So I invested in a nice bed and a nice pillow and nice sheets…and now it’s incredibly hard to get out of bed in the morning because I’m so comfortable. Not a bad problem to have! Here’s a link for you, happy shopping!

24 thoughts on “Tony Little Destress Micropedic Pillow Review

  1. great I did the same thing my pillow fell apart as well, they are going to replace my pillow too. thanks for your details, it helps a lot to know that I am Not alone in this. Yes it makes it very hard to not get out of bed, I wished they made a bed like this, I purchased 12 pillows and made mine as a bed.. I loved my pillows, so soft now and I can relax without a stiff neck or back. thanks to you we have knowledge not to wash it just put a soft damp rag over it and air dry it, I put mine in delicate cycle in the dryer.

    1. Thanks for your comment! I’m glad I could help assist you with your pillow. I was successful at washing it in my machine on hand wash cycle, in the pillowcase. The pillow air dried very nicely and feels as good as new. They are wonderful pillows!

      1. Thanks for the info you two…really appreciate it! Now what I need is a mattress cover and a wrap around supportive hugging pillow that I can also put between my knees as I am a side sleeper after I’ve had back surgery and screws and plates put into my neck.

  2. I have ordered this pillow in pares 2 times..Now I am looking for a 3rd purchase and that’s because they are sold out everywhere. . Why do I want more? Because every member of my family keeps stealing mine. I could not… can not sleep without it. It makes me furious when I go to bed and find someone in the family has again stolen my pillow. Don’t wash them and they will last forever…unless your family steals them from you. love this pilloe and can’t say enough good things about it.

  3. Do not buy because you can not wash them !!!!
    I will never spend they kind of money on a pillow that you can not wash !!!
    Mad as all hell !!!!!

    1. I’ve had mine for years. Wouldn’t use any other kind. I just put it I the air cycle with a damp washcloth stayed with Lysol. Your loss.

  4. So my pillow when squishing with my hand in the middle of night it lite up like those green glow sticks I thought I was loosing my mind , then showed my husband and he said yes user. What is that all about???

  5. Bought mine just 2mo ago and they fell apart all the beads are in one area and the pillow is so saggy. Bought the pair and neither one lasted..

  6. Juniper you mentioned the millions of beads in your pillow went everywhere and were impossible to contain… what happens when pillows get saggy and then get thrown away—-all of those beads get into landfill, water, eventually into fish, small animals etc. We should be asking these manufacturers to be more environmentally responsible and to make a better pillow for us so that we will not have to deal with incredibly scary outcomes as these pillows sell in the thousands which means millions & millions of airbeads out in our environment eventually.

  7. I purchased 2 king size in 2016 from HSN. Although they really weren’t what I thought, they were helpful with my hip but not really my back. In 2017, one started leaking and the other in 2018. Because there’s a 5 year warranty on them, Hsn requested I contact them. They rep. requested I send the labels off both pillows but,I explained that I no longer have the labels off of one of them. So, they are requiring I mail the leaky pillow back but they are refusing to pay , stating their warranty doesn’t cover returns. Wow! Now I have to pay for a pillow of no use to me to get a replacement pillow that’s suppose to be under a 5 year warranty and it’s no telling of what the charges will be to send it back! Not satisfied with that!

What do you think?